Welcome to the Sense/Stage forum!
This forum is the platform for exchanging knowledge about how to use the Sense/Stage hardware and software and everything else around Sense/Stage.
Always try to give a clear title to your message, so that it is rightaway what the main topic is - so like a oneline summary. This will help other people figure out if the discussion is useful to find the answer to their question as well.
Every message can be tagged with main tags and subtags, to indicate what the discussion in that thread is about. Tagging discussions will help other people find out what the discussion is about easily - and helps the searchability.
The main tags are:
- MiniBee: for all questions surrounding the Sense/Stage MiniBee hardware, firmware and software.
- NextStage: for all discussion on the development of the successor to the MiniBee.
- Projects: to showcase and share projects made with Sense/Stage.
- General: for messages like these guidelines, or anything else that doesn't fit in the other categories.
The forum also has features to follow discussions, so that you get emails when there are updates in a discussion.